Monday, January 01, 2007

*2007 Resolutions*

i feel like resolutions are pointless sometimes.
like when you just say
"i resolve to get skinny and stop biting my nails and save money."
like... what a joke.

so instead, this year, i'm going to set up a plan.
a specific set of goals, month by month.
and hopefully they will inspire you too.

i know i'm not perfect, and things come up.
things change.
piece by piece, i will make my goals possible.

stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

Good for you, I'm inspired already!! Mine are the money, try to exercise and spend more time with hubby, family and friends. I think the first and third are more realistic for me...

Anonymous said...

Rock on sista! Can't way to see how you're going to conquer 07!

Anonymous said...

One. You're so beautiful. I love reading your words and thoughts :)

Two. Tagged! You're it... hahaha... go copy the questions on my post and please answer them! I'd love to hear what you say for those too :) (PS, I saw your comment on Heidi's bloggity).

Three. I hear ya on the resolutions. I want to get skinny and save money and umm, retire and SB all day. But you're right. What a joke. Hahah.

AMY Rocks. The big boulder kine. The huge rocks that make up mountains. The kind that you can see from outer space. Rocks.