Tuesday, October 10, 2006

guess what?!

i'm so damn lazy. seriously, i probably wouldn't get out of bed in the morning if my scrap table wasn't all the way across the room. so anyway, i've never applied for any DTs or contests or anything. but i've enjoyed being on the Scrapbooking in Paradise DT so much (they contacted me) that i want more! soooo i'm going to start by submitting to a HAMBLY call for a guest DT member. because i seriously LOVE hambly these days. like, i dream about it. the contest can be found here at PUB CALLS. so here's my subs:

and HERE is my new storage solution! i like having most of my fave rubs and alphas here in one place. i got this at TARGET for like 5.99 :) yay!!


Michelle said...

The first layout is my fave! You look absolutely beautiful!

I like your rubon/sticker storage. i might have to try that.

Anonymous said...

Seriously love the Hambly action :) Prettiest pics too girl.

And that storage container - genius. I have mine in a similar way, just a rubbermaid :)

{Becca} said...

ah good luck my girl!!!!!
Heidi and I decided we must submit someting for possible publication by the end of the year!!!

I have my most used stuff in some pink basket things from WM- love that they are right there!!