Saturday, August 12, 2006

okkk! now that i have made some super-cool blogging buds... i have a couple of questions! please feel free to answer them! ;)

1. i want a cool banner! so how do i do that? like, do i make a 2x11 scrapbook page and scan it? or what?
2. is there a way to find out if someone makes a comment on a blog post without keeping track of the number of comments on the bottom of the post?
3. how do i title a post?
4. how do i get a counter on my page? to see how many views it has gotten?

there are *so* many things i want to share on blogger! how do you even choose what to write about!! lol! (don't worry, that was rhetorical.)

maybe i'll share somethin' about my summer reading! i got really into James Frey this summer and read his two "embellished autobiographies":

honestly? they are *amazing*.
(click the name to buy it from amazon.)
i cried harder than i have in a loooong time. i probably needed it. not only was it totally touching and moving, but it was FUNNY! love it. i have all my friends reading it.

Last Scrapper Standing:
what an awesome idea for the DARE GIRLS to turn their challenges into a contest! it has been really creatively challenging (?) for me. the first dare (posted below) only took me a few minutes, but for the second dare, (already started), i will do something i've never done before: take some time, go back to it a few time, just try and think outside the box. i'll def share it here when i'm done!

speaking of sharing stuff, i've posted like 5 new LOs today at my 2Ps GALLERY. feel free to leave CC or praise! i really do appreciate it.

just like i appreciated my awesome mail day yesterday. CK SEPTEMBER annnnd SCRAPBOOKS ETC. in the same day! YAY! :) ohh how i love the little things.

be back later! :) :)


Tracy said...

I can answer a couple of your questions. To title a post, I click on create. Just above the text box I get a title box. You can set your blog to send you an email alert when you have a comment under the settings comments menu. I use site meter to track views and referrals on my blog. I think Blogger has instructions for adding it in their FAQ.
Good luck and have fun!

{Becca} said...

James' books are amazing (lies, streaching the truth whatever)! I read both of them in a week this summer. Coudln't put them down. They are very funny too!!

Good luck with the Last Scrapper Standing!

yezenia said...

As you can no doubt tell from my blog, I'm not really in the know as to how to make it fancy. But I look forward to seeing yours get snazzy!

Vee said...

Lindsay has some great banner tuturials!
although I have never been able to change mine even with her wonderful instructions. baaawaaah
hope this helps

Anonymous said...

ummm for banners i make them in Photoshop size 3x11 and then save it and put in photobucket. then you copy the "tag" from Photobucket and go to your "template" in Blogger settings... and right under "main page" you copy the tag for your banner.

if you need me to walk you through it some time, let me know!